Wednesday, October 3, 2012

80's Day! The best day of the year!


 If you need any ideas for what to wear tomorrow on 80's day, take a few pointers from your totally rad English teacher!  Hairspray, curling irons, and blow dryers are the way to go!  No flat irons allowed! 


Check out these stirrup pants!  (No, this isn't me!)

 Boys, make sure you use a lot of hair product, too!  Gel and hairspray! 

Preppy looks with popped collars are the way to go!  
 Mullets were all the rage in the 80's!

Here's a blog dedicated to the decade.  Maybe you can catch a few pointers!

Here's a commercial to show you how to get an 80's eye!

1 comment:

  1. THESE ARE GREAT haha! Good inspiration thanks Mrs. McDermott!! :) ~Emma Z
