Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fish "HOOK"

In the comments section, leave your best "hook" from the "Little Red Riding/Fish Hooks" lesson.  You can comment on others' hooks if you like them, too! DO NOT JUST TELL ME WHICH TYPE OF "HOOK" YOU LIKE... I want to see what you've written!   If you've forgotten how to post, click on the "How to Blog" tab above for a reminder of what to do and how to do it!


  1. I had a stinging felling in my mouth like when you take your first bite of food in the morning and my stomach growled like a hungry wolf. I didn't feel good. I new what was about to happen. I rose my hand while the teacher was giving us instructions for a math test, but it was too late the bile rose up from my stomach, through my mouth and onto the carpet everyone watched in disgust followed by one giant eeeewwww!

  2. Oh no. Did I really just do that? Everyone stared at the two of us, laughing. Honestly I wasn't really sure if it was at me, or the poor girl dripping with milk across from me. He really had to say that, "snorf". That one word, that still to this day I don't understand why it was funny, that one word that sent me into a laughing fit. And, spraying a girl I barely knew with a rancid, horrendous mixture of both milk, and spit.

  3. Tears streamed down my face. I just couldn't help it. It was bound to happen, I should have known. But I was too blind to see that the last day of school in these halls was bound to do this to me. It was pretty much required for me and my emotional ways.

  4. Smoke billowed up from the field as flames exploded in front of me. Kids from all grades huddled around, fearfully watching the fire consume the prairie. Firemen calmly stand around the perimeter, keeping an eye on the children as well as the fire. The loud roar of the fire drowns out any noise the kids might have made but they are too engrossed in watching the flames that nobody bothers to talk.

  5. I can do it I tell myself, I can find the strength I need to go on. I was fifteen feet away from it; I was determined to do it. But then, seconds later I fell, I was taken by surprise at first my stomach feeling prickly as I fell and landed with a smack on the ground.

  6. I could feel my heart hammer in my chest as I bounded to class. My books were held close to my chest as I could see the class in my length. Little did I notice my shoe snag into the bump on the carpet. That was all it took to have me, and my books spill all over the floor of my fifth grade math class.

  7. Relax. You got this. You'll do great. I tell myself these things as I stand there singing with the rest of my classmates. Just one more verse and then it's my song. The one chance I get to sing in front of an audience. Soon I am called to attention as my music teacher announces the next song. My song. I approach the microphone as the familiar melody plays on the piano. I take a big breath and begin.

  8. Everything you do in life requires something of you mentally or physically. While some may be more obvious than others, everything, everything requires that one extra push. But one thing that will always get you through is determination. Determination can help you accomplish anything! This is one of those times when not only does it take determination and perseverance, but oneself and believing in oneself, because when you believe, you can do almost anything.

  9. There he was, walking around the classroom protesting. Sign in hand and everyone (including me)except our teacher cheering him on. How it had come to this you may ask. How about i catch you up to speed.

  10. I kept telling myself that I could do it, as long as I didn't look down. I felt my eyes shift to the floor. Oh no, I thought. Don't look down. Don't do it. Suddenly I glanced at the floor, and lost it.

  11. Have you ever had that feeling where your heart feels like it's beating so loud, that everyone can feel it? You look down and you get this sudden rush of shock, and realize your falling.

  12. We trekked through the sea of tall, emerald, and whispering pines. The trees start to give way to dead, brown grass and a lake that seemed to grasp the very heat out of the air, and that created a basin that never ended. We emerged into the camp that consisted of wampananogs made of dark brown sticks like upside down baskets, and tanned hide tipis. There was a line of flint and steel and a campfire that fought to put warmth upon us. We entered the tipi and created a ring and started our discussion. The legends of the Ojibwa started to unfold; “The people of long ago…”

  13. As I walk slowly and carefully, I wobble with each step I take. I get encouragement from the adult standing on the platform. Hold onto your harness and take one step at a time. I look down and then I know it was a mistake. But I can’t turn back, I am too far too.

  14. The large, difficult, daunting, ropes course loomed before me. I clearly remember getting strapped in, then nervous as my turn came. Step by step, I kept going.

  15. On a hairpin turn at the top of the hill, I careened toward the center of the Earth, a comet in black. In spite of all my efforts to slow down, it did little to slow my increasing momentum. The wind grew stronger, the chill biting at my cheeks. Knees locking, the only thing I could do was try not to twist my skis too fast as I made another sharp turn. All my knowledge of skiing seemed to disappear from my mind. I needed to figure out how to stop, and fast.

  16. Snow hits my face and the wind takes my hat, suddenly, for a moment we're in the air and my stomach drops from beneath me, then we come crashing back down. It seems like we will never stop but then someone loses their seat and we all tumble off in a heap. I laugh as I brush snow from my hair- and to think, I could have been stuck doing math.

  17. I was jumping up and down with excitement next to my best friend; my heart was pumping loudly in my chest. We were about to start kindergarten but at the moment that wasn’t on our minds. All that mattered to us at the moment was finally getting to ride the “big kid” bus with all of our neighbors. It was nerve racking as the huge yellow bus pulled up to the corner, we waved to our parents and jumped up the steps onto the bus for the first time.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. As I attempt to grab the rock above me, I slip. A flush of embarrassment rises into my chest and goes up to my cheeks. I quickly look down and see all of the disappointed faces staring up at me and I just think, "Oh, no!". But in that split second of losing my grip, I turn my panic into motivation to prove all of those people wrong who were doubting that I would get up the wall. I use all of the strength in my tiny fingertips to grasp the ledge above me before I fall and I pull myself up to the top of the rock wall.

  20. Watching the other kids ahead of me step onto the single wire, I start to get anxious. Keep calm. I tell myself as I wait for the person in front of me to get to the other side. I grip my fingers around my harness and I prepare to take the first step.

  21. Zzzzzzzzzooom! What the? Am being shot at? I hit the deck. I pull out my airsoft gun. There, in the tree, my opponent is aiming down on me. I aim and start firing. Zzzzzzzzzooom! He missed me. Then i hear it coming from in the tree, "I surender". I have won!

  22. My hand slips. 'No,' I think. 'I can do this.' I carefully wrap my palm back around the solid rock and put my foot in a new crack. I take a steadying breath and look up. 'Almost there,' I tell myself. I try to grab a new rock, but my sweaty hand can't hold up my body, and I fall 3 feet, my arms flailing and my legs kicking. I jerk to a stop as the rope goes taut and sigh. 'That was close.'

  23. The wind smacks me in the face as I push off but it feels spectacular! I look down and feel as if I'm falling but I am not. I'm soaring through the air with not a care in the world. In that moment I didn't care that it was freezing or that my hair would be in a thousand knots afterwards, it was incredible! Birds are surely jealous of my flight! As I slow I am breathless. (posted by: Emma)

    1. Make sure you put your last initial! There are two Emmas!

  24. Smack! I hit the floor and everything became blurry. I woke up in a daze with a paramedic leaning over me. How had I gotten here? Oh right! I passed out after I got my shot. Let me explain how I got here.

  25. “Open the stupid door!” everyone on my side of the large wooden door screamed. But they didn’t open it; in fact I swear they were laughing! Why the heck were they laughing? My thumb was stuck in the hinge of the door! You are probably a little bit lost, so I will rewind for you to better understand what is going on…

  26. As I took a step forward on to the thin, bouncy wire, there’s no going back now I told myself. So far Wolf Ridge had been a blast, but this ropes course just took the level of fun I had been having and dropped it, a few thousand feet.
